Vivian O’Blivion

Here’s the Grandfather of Grunge, playing his famous song, “Vivian O’Blivion,” at a live performance in Memphis, at The Otherlands, on South Cooper, June, 2015. It’s another authentic song, written by Bob in the early 1980’s, in Oakland, California. Every word in it is the gospel truth. Not for the faint of heart.

 “Anti-social, inappropriate, politically incorrect —

That’s what you get from a guy like me. What else did you expect?”


Live, at the Hotel Utah, San Francisco

The lyrics of this song were written on the battlefield by Dylan Hartsfeld, a soldier from North Carolina who served two tours, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, and then came home and got murdered by a cop in his own back yard.



Here’s one about Jackpine Mary, the legendary cowgirl from Williams Lake, B.C., on her wild ride through the aspens, when a grizzly bear was chasing her.


The whole live show is now available from Tall Cotton Productions. Filmed by Jeffery Haas of Deep Freeze Films, it’s one of the few live videos of Bob anyone has ever seen.